International Workshop on High Dimensional Data Mining 2016
7 juin 2016 Naples (Italie)

Aim and scope

In recent years, in a wide range of scientific and technological domains, huge amount of multidimensional data are produced.  Their analysis represents a major challenge in many cross-disciplinary fields.

Usually, data have a large number of dimensions, as well as of observations. They can be categorical, discrete, quantitative, and often data types are mixed.

High dimensionality and heterogeneous data types and structures make the traditional statistical methods unable to analyse this kind of data. The development of new data mining methods, such as multivariate data analysis, graphical models and data visualization tools presents new challenges.

This workshop represents a venue for discussing recent developments in algorithms, methods, applications  and software for mining high dimensional data.

The Workshop is supported by the Italian Statistical Society, the Laboratory for Genomics, Transcriptomics and Proteomics of Italian National Reseach Council, and the group of "Data Mining et Apprentissage" of Société Française de Statistique.

Selected papers will be published in a volume.

The workshop will be held at Chancellor Office of Second University of Naples, Via Costantinopoli 104, Napoli. 


Invited speakers:



Edwin Diday, Université Paris-Dauphine


Gilbert Saporta, CNAM – Paris


Michel Verleysen, Université Catholique de Louvain


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